The Practice of Gunnery
The oldtime gunner was not only an artist, vastly
superior to the average soldier, but, when circumstances permitted, he
performed his wizardry with all due ceremony. Diego Ufano, Governor of
Antwerp, watched a gun crew at work about 1500:
"The piece having arrived at the battery and being
provided with all needful materials, the gunner and his assistants take
their places, and the drummer is to beat a roll. The gunner cleans the
piece carefully with a dry rammer, and in pulling out the said rammer
gives a dab or two to the mouth of the piece to remove any dirt
adhering." (At this point it was customary to make the sign of the cross
and invoke the intercession of St. Barbara.)
"Then he has his assistant hold the sack, valise, or
box of powder, and filling the charger level full, gives a slight
movement with the other hand to remove any surplus, and then puts it
into the gun as far as it will go. Which being done, he turns the
charger so that the powder fills the breech and does not trail out on
the ground, for when it takes fire there it is very annoying to the
gunner." (And probably to the gentleman holding the sack.)
"After this he will take the rammer, and, putting it
into the gun, gives two or three good punches to ram the powder well in
to the chamber, while his assistant holds a finger in the vent so that
the powder does not leap forth. This done, he takes a second charge of
powder and deposits it like the first; then puts in a wad of straw or
rags which will be well packed to gather up all the loose powder. This
having been well seated with strong blows of the rammer, he sponges out
the piece.
"Then the ball, well cleaned by his assistant, since
there is danger to the gunner in balls to which sand or dirt adhere, is
placed in the piece without forcing it till it touches gently on the
wad, the gunner being careful not to hold himself in front of the gun,
for it is silly to run danger without reason. Finally he will put in one
more wad, and at another roll of drums the piece is ready to fire."
Maximum firing rate for field pieces in the early
days was eight rounds an hour. It increased later to 100 rounds a day
for light guns and 30 for heavy pieces. (Modern nonautomatic guns can
fire 15 rounds per minute.) After about 40 rounds the gun became so hot
it was unsafe to load, where upon it was "refreshed"' with an hour's
Approved aiming procedure was to make the first shot
surely short, in order to have a measurement of the error. The second
shot would be at greater elevation, but also cautiously short. After the
third round, the gunner could hope to get hits. Beginners were cautioned
against the desire to hit the target at the first shot, for, said a
celebrated artillerist, ". . . you will get overs and cannot estimate
how much over."
FIGURE 48—LOADING A CANNON. Muzzle-loading smoothbore cannon were used
for almost 700 years.
As gunners gradually became professional soldiers,
gun drills took on a more military aspect, as these seventeenth century
commands show:
1. Put back your piece.
2. Order your piece to load.
3. Search your piece.
4. Sponge your piece.
5. Fill your ladle.
6. Put in your powder.
7. Empty your ladle. |
8. Put up your powder.
9. Thrust home your wad.
10. Regard your shot.
11. Put home your shot gently.
12. Thrust home your wad with three strokes.
13. Gauge your piece. |
Gunners had no trouble finding work, as is singularly
illustrated by the case of Andrew Ransom, a stray Englishman captured
near St. Augustine in the late 1600's. He was condemned to death. The
executional device failed, however, and the padres in attendance took it
as an act of God and led Ransom to sanctuary at the friary. Meanwhile,
the Spanish governor learned this man was an artillerist and a maker of
"artificial fires." The governor offered to "protect" him if he would
live at the Castillo and put his talents to use. Ransom did.
By 1800, although guns could be served with as few as
three men, efficient drill usually called for a much larger force. The
smallest crew listed in the United States Navy manual of 1866 was seven:
first and second gun captains, two loaders, two spongers, and a "powder
monkey" (powder boy). An 11-inch pivot-gun on its revolving carriage was
served by 24 crewmen and a powderman. In the field, transportation for a
24-pounder siege gun took 10 horses and 5 drivers.
Twelve rounds an hour was good practice for heavy
guns during the Civil War period, although the figure could be upped to
20 rounds. By this date, of course, although the principles of muzzle
loading had not changed, actual loading of the gun was greatly
simplified by using fixed and semi-fixed ammunition. Loading technique
varied with the gun, but the following summary of drill from the United
States Heavy Ordnance Manual of 1861 gives a fair idea of how the
crew handled a siege gun:
In the first place, consider that the equipment is
all in its proper place. The gun is on a two-wheeled siege carriage, and
is "in battery," or pushed forward on the platform until the muzzle is
in the earthwork embrasure. On each side of the gun are three
handspikes, leaning against the parapet. On the right of the gun a
sponge and a rammer are laid on a prop, about 6 feet away from the
carriage. Near the left muzzle of the gun is a stack of cannonballs,
wads, and a "passbox" or powder bucket. Hanging from the cascabel are
two pouches: the tube-pouch containing friction "tubes" (primers for the
vent) and the lanyard; and the gunner's-pouch with the gunner's level,
breech-sight, pick, gimlet, vent-punch, chalk, and fingerstall (a
leather cover for the gunner's second left finger when the gun gets
hot). Under the wheels are two chocks; the vent-cover is on the vent, a
tompion in the muzzle; a broom leans against the parapet beyond the
stack of cannonballs. A wormer, ladle, and wrench were also part of the
battery equipment.
The crew consisted of a gunner and six cannoneers. At
the command Take implements the gunner stepped to the cascabel
and handed the vent-cover to No. 2; the tube-pouch he gave to No. 3; he
put on his fingerstall, leveled the gun with the elevating screw,
applied his level to base ring and muzzle to find the highest points of
the barrel, and marked these points with chalk for a line of sight. His
six crewmen took their positions about a yard apart, three men on each
side of the gun, with handspikes ready.
From battery was the first command of the
drill. The gunner stepped from behind the gun, while the handspikemen
embarred their spikes. Cannoneers Nos. 1, 3, and 5 were on the right
side of the gun, and the even-numbered men were on the left. Nos. 1 and
2 put their spikes under the front of the wheels; Nos. 3 and 4 embarred
under the carriage cheeks to bear down on the rear spokes of the wheel;
Nos. 5 and 6 had their spikes under the maneuvering bolts of the trail
for guiding the piece away from the parapet. With the gunner's word
Heave, the men at the wheels put on the pressure, and with
successive heaves the gun was moved backward until the muzzle was
clear of the embrasure by a yard. The crew then unbarred, and Nos. 1 and
2 chocked the wheels.
Load was the second command. Nos. 1, 2, and 4
laid down their spikes; No. 2 took out the tompion; No. 1 took up the
sponge and put its wooly head into the muzzle; No. 2 stepped up to the
muzzle and seized the sponge staff to help No. 1. In five counts they
pushed the sponge to the bottom of the bore. Meanwhile, No. 4 took the
passbox and went to the magazine for a cartridge.
The gunner put his finger over the vent, and with his
right hand turned the elevating screw to adjust the piece conveniently
for loading. No. 3 picked up the rammer.
At the command Sponge, the men at the sponge
pressed the tool against the bottom of the bore and gave it three turns
from right to left, then three turns from left to right. Next the sponge
was drawn, and while No. 1 exchanged it for No. 3's rammer, the No. 2
man took the cartridge from No. 4, and put it in the bore. He helped No.
1 push it home with the rammer, while No. 4 went for a ball and, if
necessary, a wad.
Ram! The men on the rammer drew it out an
arm's length and rammed the cartridge with a single stroke. No. 2 took
the ball from No. 4, while No. 1 threw out the rammer. With the ball in
the bore, both men again manned the rammer to force the shot home and
delivered a final single-stroke ram. No. 1 put the rammer back on its
prop. The gunner stuck his pick into the vent to prick open the powder
The command In battery was the signal for the
cannoneers to man the handspikes again, Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 working at
the wheels and Nos. 5 and 6 guiding the trail as before. After
successive heaves, the gunner halted the piece with the wheels
touching the hurter—the timber laid at the foot of the parapet to stop
the wheels.
Point was the next order. No. 3, the man with
the tube-pouch, got out his lanyard and hooked it to a primer. Nos. 5
and 6 put their handspikes under the trail, ready to move the gun right
or left. The gunner went to the breech of the gun, removed his pick from
the vent, and, sighting down the barrel, directed the spikemen: he would
tap the right side of the breech, and No. 5 would heave on his handspike
to inch the trail toward the left. A tap on the left side would move No.
6 in the opposite direction. Next, the gunner put the breech-sight (if
he needed it) carefully on the chalk line of the base ring and ran the
elevating screw to the proper elevation.
As soon as the gun was properly laid, the gunner said
Ready and signaled with both hands. He took the breech-sight off
the gun and walked over to windward, where he could watch the effect of
the shot. Nos. 1 and 2 had the chocks, ready to block the wheels at the
end of the recoil. No. 3 put the primer in the vent, uncoiled the
lanyard and broke a full pace to the rear with his left foot. He
stretched the lanyard, holding it in his right hand.
At Fire! No. 3 gave a smart pull on the
lanyard. The gun fired, the carriage recoiled, and Nos. 1 and 2 chocked
the wheels. No. 3 rewound his lanyard, and the gunner, having watched
the shot, returned to his post.
The development of heavy ordnance through the ages
is a subject with many fascinating ramifications, but this survey has of
necessity been brief. It has only been possible to indicate the general
pattern. Most of the interesting details must await the publication of
much larger volumes. It is hoped, however, that enough information has
been included herein to enhance the enjoyment that comes from inspecting
the great variety of cannon and projectiles that are to be seen
throughout the National Park System. |
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